Sharon works with individuals who feel complacent, uncertain, and ill prepared for their current and future work. In her coaching, Sharon brings frameworks that include, Trauma Informed Care, Harm Reduction and Edwin Friedman’s Family Systems theory as frameworks. She explores relationship patterns, guides in eliminating behaviors and patterns that no longer serve, and employs principles rather than emotional patterns in communicating and interacting with others.
Sharon’s goal is to move with you to explore new ways of thinking and being, by re-envisioning self, in the context of professional, and personal relationships, envisioning the future, and unearthing places for growth…inspiring change. As you do your work, she serves as your accountability partner.
As your Coach, Sharon will journey with you to reimagine YOU-as leader, by increasing your self-awareness, cultivate your leadership skill, style and decision making process. She will help you to better understand the culture of your organization, and increase effectiveness with your team, and staff. Sharon will also explore the intersectionality between your personal, and professional life, and support you in discovering, and acting on, opportunities for growth.
Dr. Sharon's capacity to hold wide-hearted, tender, and accountable space when traversing matters of race is emboldening and timely. I give deep gratitude for her embodied wisdom and expertise in coaching me, and my colleagues in reckoning with our white privilege in honest and transformative ways. Her coaching work is what's needed for our beloved, broken world in these times where so many folks are longing for racial healing in structural, substantial, and sustaining ways.
Lindsay Sudeikis, Educator and Activist, Brooklyn New York